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«Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет» (УГНТУ)
каб. 301,308
ул. Первомайская 14,
корпус УГНТУ №8 (бывший ДК Орджоникидзе),
г. Уфа, Республика Башкортостан,
Россия, 450044
Тел.(факс): 8 (800) 55-14-528
Оther languages (english, french, spanish, arabic)

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU) is a leading technical university in Russia.

USPTU is a strong national research center that trains high-quality specialists for the oil and gas industry. In terms of budget income from research, the University is one of the top industry universities of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
USPTU constantly adopts innovative learning technologies, while adhering to the interdisciplinary approach to education, and develops the digital and virtual infrastructure for professional training based on interactive full-scale simulators, computer models and systems.
Today USPTU is a modern university, one of pivotal institutions of Russian higher technical education, which received the flagship university status - the backbone of the Russian oil industry. Representatives from 70 regions of the Russian Federation and citizens of 52 countries from all over the world study at USPTU. Among the university’s foreign partners are the world’s major universities and oil and gas companies.
The university has 4 Faculties, 5 Institutes, 2 Higher Schools, the Institute of Additional Professional Education, the Engineering Center and the youth technopark, and offers Bachelor’s and Master’s, postgraduate and doctoral study programs.
The university is actively expanding its international presence. We are eager to invite students from all over the world to study in USPTU. We offer Bachelor’s and Master’s, postgraduate and doctoral programs. Our preparatory pre-university Russian language program enables international students to further study in Russian.
We also have 4 Bachelor’s programs in English:
as well as 4 Master’s programs in English:
If you have any questions, please contact our Admissions Office at:, whatsapp +7-917-450-26-45, telegram @interusptu

USPTU English-taught programs

- Chemical Engineering;

Graduates’ professional skills:
  • Technological process control and equipment operation in accordance with regulations;
  • Parameters control of technological processes, properties of raw materials and products;
  • Technical decision making in process engineering;
  • Planning and execution of physical and chemical experiments, processing of their results and error estimation;
  • Design of chemical production processes.

- Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics.

Graduates’ professional skills:
  • Qualification in processes and industrial facilities of the fuel and energy complex;
  • Diagnostics and control of process equipment, process automation and control, environmental engineering;
  • Practical skills in developing technological processes of machinery and repair production for ensuring operability and improving reliability of oil and gas equipment;
  • Effective repair and restoration of oil and gas equipment.

- Petroleum Engineering;

Graduates’ professional skills:
  • Design and operation of field facilities;
  • Oil& gas field equipment reliability assurance;
  • Engineering support for onshore and offshore oil and gas field gathering and treatment;
  • Basics of Computer Technology for solving oil and gas field issues;
  • Field pipeline design and operation;
  • Oil& gas pipeline development, repairing and reconstruction;
  • Oil& gas transportation and storage.

- Electrical Engineering and Automation

Graduates’ professional skills:
  • Design and operation of electrical equipment
  • Electric drive for oil and gas industry enterprises
  • Power supply and relay protection of industrial enterprises
  • Diagnostics and monitoring of the state of electrical equipment
  • Digital technology in the electric power industry
  • Alternative and renewable energy sources and energy storage.
If you have any questions, please contact our Admissions Office at:, whatsapp +7-917-450-26-45, telegram @interusptu